Powering Silicon Valley

Career summits are a growing initiative for the foundation. When STEAM Sports Foundation was founded (2016), one of its prevailing principles was that the sports and entertainment industries had changed, were changing dramatically and would continue to do so. As companies, teams, leagues, and organizations entered the 21st Century, they realized that innovation was changing the game. No longer were sports marketing, broadcasting, journalism or communications majors and backgrounds the dominant paths to a career in sports. More and more, technology was changing the face of the industry. As a result, majors such as data analytics, computer programming, engineering, and neuroscience just to mention a few, were becoming more and more valuable.
But how were college students studying those fields and possessing a real interest in sports and/or entertainment to find companies looking for their talents? And, conversely, how were tech companies and teams/leagues with expanding tech and analytics needs, supposed to find talented students in those areas who were seeking sports careers?
The answer very early became the STEAM Sports Summit. As the foundation moves forward, its intent is to develop more summits and workshops focused on motorsports/automotive careers and opportunities similar to "Powering Silicon Valley" that it produced in concert with San Jose State. That summit targeted the industry in general – all sports: teams, leagues, sports organizations, technology companies (https://youtu.be/EvrhhV5ZQjY). Future summits will focus primarily on the motorsports and automotive industry comprised of a mix of industry leaders and aspiring, career-oriented students.