Bridging the Gap
Bridging the Gap Men’s Fellowship is a diverse group of Christian men with a vision for our community and churches to be united together through the love of Jesus Christ and to love and respect all human beings, regardless of race, nationality, or ethnic heritage reflecting the true body of Christ.
Its mission is to create and foster opportunities where authentic relationships can organically develop through the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, multi-ethnic/multi-racial fellowship and spiritual development opportunities that will facilitate and promote racial harmony without our churches and communities.
Dickinson is on the Board of Directors.
Partners in Change
Partners in Change (PIC) is without doubt an aggressive and visionary plan to significantly affect Atlanta's biggest threat — the severe economic challenges of so many of her people.
Rather than create a new addition to the crisis service model, PIC applies coaching's proven strategies to under-resourced adults, enabling individuals to self-empower and change the trajectory of their lives.
Westside Future Fund
A non-profit formed by Atlanta’s public, private, and philanthropic partners, the Westside Future Fund (WFF) believes in the future of Atlanta’s Westside and is committed to helping historic Westside neighborhoods revitalize and develop into a community Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would have been proud to call home. Its mission is to advance a compassionate approach to neighborhood revitalization that creates a diverse mixed-income community, improves the quality of life for current and future residents and elevates the Historic Westside’s unique history and culture.
Westside Future Fund serves five Historic Westside neighborhoods – Vine City, English Avenue, Ashview Heights, Atlanta University Center and Just Us. WFF raises charitable funds to supports its signature program, Home on the Westside, which enables development of high-quality, permanently affordable multi-family housing, new or renovated single-family homes, and providing property tax relief for legacy residents.
Atlanta Home of the Brave
We support a team nickname that would cast Atlanta as leaders in diversity within MLB, one that solidifies the Atlanta MLB franchise as one of most socially & diversity conscious teams in the world.
We support the renaming of the Braves to the Atlanta BRAVE to salute all brave men & women from throughout Atlanta/Georgia as well as those from Native American nations who have demonstrated great courage and leadership, specifically those who have contributed socially, racially, economically – from all races and genders.